Atmega328 arduino uno pinout
Atmega328 arduino uno pinout

atmega328 arduino uno pinout

SO it is important to note that by default all these pins acts as the digital input / output and by using the particular libraries and functions the pins can perform various functions. You can see from the above image similar is the case for MOSI (Master Out Slave In) and PCINT3.Īt this most of you might be wondering that how the particular multiplexed can make to perform different functions. As an example consider the pin 18 of the microcontroller, this pin can act as MISO (master in and slave out) and in addition can also acts as the digital input / output pin. By multiplexed it means that the single pin of the microcontroller have multiple functionalities on it. It is important to note that almost all pins of the ATMEGA 328 microcontroller except GND, VCC and AREF are multiplexed pins. The pinout of the ATMEGA 328 is as shown in the following image: The ATMEGA 328 has one Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter. It consists of two wires SDA (Serial Data) and SCLK (Serial Clock).


The I2C interface is another important serial communication protocol.

atmega328 arduino uno pinout

This interface consists of four signals MISO (Master In Slave Out), MOSI (Master Out Slave In), SCLK (Serial Clock) and CS (Chip select). The microcontroller has following communciations protocols: The ATMEGA 328 microcontroller is equipped with serial communication interfaces that are of vital importance in embedded systems. The ATMEGA 328 has total 1 kilo bytes of EEPROM (Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory). Each general purpose register is 8 bits wide and they perform a number of operations. The ATMEGA 328 microcontroller has total 32 general purpose registers. The ATMEGA 328 microcontroller has 32 kilo bytes of In-System Programmable Flash memory. Some of the most important features of the ATMEGA 328 microcontroller are listed below: The ATMEGA 328 microcontroller can operate for a wide range of supply voltages that is it can operate for 1.8 volts to 5.5 volts. It has total 28 pins out of which some are GPIO (General Purpose Input / Output) pins and some are power pins. The ATMEGA328 in the Arduino UNO microcontroller development board is as shown in the following figure:ĪTMEGA 328 microcontroller is an eight bit microcontroller based on the RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) architecture. The Arduino microcontroller development board is based on the ATMEGA 328 microcontroller which is a low power high speed, eight bit AVR microcontroller. Arduino UNOis one of the most popular microcontroller development boards and it is used by electronics hobbyists, enthusiasts and students.

Atmega328 arduino uno pinout